I am a Lecturer in Statistics within the Data Science, Statistics and Probability Centre at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London. My main research is oriented to develop statistical and machine learning methods to tackle inferential problems in high-dimensional and functional data over different fields such as: energy, economics, the environment, demography, business, finance, health and genetics. I have mainly focused on predictive confidence bands for functional time series; domain selection and classification in the Functional Data context; and outlier detection for stochastic processes using Information Theory tools. For more details, see my Google Scholar profile.
I just joined QMUL after spending 2 years as a Senior Research Fellow within the Institute of Mathematics and Statistical Science at the Department of Statistical Science, UCL. Previously I was appointed as a PDRA at the MRC Biostatistics Unit of the University of Cambridge. Before that I did my PhD about ‘‘Statistical learning methods for functional data with applications to prediction, classification and outlier detection’’ at the Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
I am a member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), the International Association of Statistical Computing (IASC), the Bernoulli Society and the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). I am currently leading the HDFD group, a space of interaction and discussion about High-Dimesional and Functional Data. If you want to collaborate giving a talk or discussing a topic drop me an email.
PhD opportunity: @Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science in Adaptive Inference and Segmentation for Functional Time Series. Funding opportunities available. Get in touch if interested.
New paper online: Domain Selection for Gaussian Process Data: An Application to Electrocardiogram Signals. Biometrical Journal - Joint with Gabriel Martos.