
Functions to represent functional objects under a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) framework as described in Muñoz & González (2010). Autoregressive Hilbertian Model for functional time series using RKHS and predictive confidence bands construction as proposed in Hernández et al (2021).

Functions to compute distances between probability measures or any other data object than can be posed in this way, entropy measures for samples of curves, distances and depth measures for functional data, and the Generalized Mahalanobis Kernel distance for high dimensional data. For further details about the metrics please refer to Martos et al (2014); Martos et al (2018) and Hernández and Muñoz (2016).


The goal of flashfm is to use GWAS summary statistics to jointly fine-map genetic associations for several related quantitative traits in a Bayesian framework that leverages information between the traits. Details. Reference.